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For parents with children who may be gay. 

gay Teen Affection How Different is My Gay Child from My Straight Child? - Very different and very much the same! Understanding the Differences and Similarities When it comes to raising a gay child versus a straight child, the core principles remain the same: love, empathy, and support. However, there are unique aspects to consider for a gay […]

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Root Causes of Depression

Forgivness Lack of Self Truth and Self Expression can result in Depression. Understanding the Complexity and Diversity of Human Lives

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The Power of our Thoughts. 

An open book with a light coming out of it Description automatically generated The power of our thoughts is an extraordinary force that shapes our reality, influencing both our inner and outer worlds. Our thoughts are either silent residence to our unexpressed feelings, or, they are the prelude to our words, which we use to express those thoughts, those words hold immense power. With our words, we communicate […]

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Understanding the True Meaning of Honour and Integrity in Spiritual Work

Understanding the True Meaning of Honour and Integrity in Spiritual Work When engaging with individuals who identify as Light Workers, I initially held the expectation that they would embody honour and integrity in their dealings. I naively believed that those who had dedicated years to spiritual courses and the study of love and energy would […]

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The fear of Equality based on our Shame. 

What does equality mean? Does it mean that all humans are equal? Or are some of us more equal than others?  We were all born unique with unique markings such as fingerprinting and iris coding, skin colouring, size, and shape. Some of us were born to function differently. Some of us were born to look […]

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Victim Mentality

The blame game and how to change our game.  People with a Victim Mentality are not victims; they are, however, angry, bitter, unforgiving, resentful, and wrathful. In our collective consciousness, we've encountered the Victim Mentality concept, which starkly contrasts the actual experience of being a victim. Let's explore what this mindset entails and look at […]

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Depression – The suppression of Self and our Divinity.

Depression Living Your Truth - Do We Ever  Depression occurs when we live our lives in incongruity - meaning that we don't live in harmony with our authentic selves, or instead pretend to be someone else to fit in - we inadvertently invite depression into our consciousness. Depression becomes an inevitable side effect of denying our […]

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No – The slightest word with the Biggest meaning

Why Is It Hard to Say "No" and How Can You Get Better at It?. "no" can be a formidable challenge for many of us. Whether it's declining a social invitation, setting boundaries at work, or rejecting a request from a loved one, the two-letter word, one of the smallest words in the English language, […]

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The Narcissistic Personality

The Narcissistic Personality - The term "narcissist" has become increasingly popular in today's spoken language and is often used to describe individuals who display self-centred and egotistical behaviour. While this usage may capture certain aspects of narcissistic traits, it is essential to look deeper into the complexities of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) to comprehend the […]

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Heart Centered Living

A close up of a fire Description automatically generated Heart centred living is a way of approaching life from a feeling perspective rather than a thinking perspective, prioritising values such as love, compassion, empathy, feeling and emotional connection. This approach encourages us to feel the truth rather than think the truth. When being Heart Centred, an unmistakable knowing fills our being, that fills us […]

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Positive Affirmations

A close-up of words Description automatically generated Unveiling the Power Behind Positive Self-Talk, as our current emphasis has become focused on self-improvement and personal development, positive affirmations have emerged as a popular and widely practised tool. These short, positive statements are often touted as a means to reshape one's mindset, boost self-esteem, and manifest desired outcomes. While some embrace affirmations with unwavering […]

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When My Dog Died

The bond between animal and human By David Ellis The bond between animals and humans. This is my story of my dog leaving me. He died suddenly on the 26th March 2023. He was only eleven years old. I miss him so much. I started this story shortly after he died, but I had to leave it until now.   My story […]

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2024 A New Year of Promise and Hope 

In Chinese Mythology, 2024 is the year of the Dragon, and it predicts that the Year will bring luck, wealth, and power, with strong leadership skills and many of the qualities of the 8, which 2024 represents in Numerology terms. According to numerology, each number carries its own unique energy and significance. When these numbers […]

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Christmas – A Time for Giving. 

Christmas Christmas - A time of giving, is a widely celebrated time across the globe, it has a profound impact that extends beyond the boundaries of religious narratives, specific doctrines, and the jolly tales of Santa Claus. While it traditionally holds significance as the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith, the […]

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The Destructive Power of Jealousy and Envy and their Intrinsic Differences.

Jealousy The Destructive Power of Jealousy and Envy and their Intrinsic Differences. Jealousy and envy are complex and often intertwined emotions commonly used interchangeably in everyday language. However, they represent distinct emotional experiences with different psychological underpinnings and behavioural manifestations.  Jealousy - The Fear of Losing What We Have or Perceived to Have.  Jealousy is a […]

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Healing through Forgiveness

A black symbol on a brown surface Description automatically generated By David Ellis Healing through Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative human experience. It can heal wounds, release burdens, and open the door to a brighter and more peaceful future. Forgiveness is a beacon of hope and a testament to our humanity in a world often marked by conflict, resentment, and grudges.  Understanding Forgiveness Forgiveness […]

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The Power of Vulnerability

By David Ellis The Power of Vulnerability is strength, authenticity and integrity. Yet it is often perceived as a weakness which must be guarded and concealed in a world that only rewards strength, invincibility and disingenuousness. However, this perception couldn't be further from the truth. Vulnerability is a remarkable source of strength, connection, and personal […]

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The Damage of Resentment

A picture containing darkness, person, music, red Description automatically generated The Psychological Damage of Resentment:  By David Ellis Resentment is a powerful and complex emotion that can profoundly impact our mental and emotional well-being. It often emerges in response to real or perceived injustices, betrayals, or slights, and if left unaddressed, it can fester and grow, leading to psychological and even physical health issues.  Resentment […]

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The Power of Affirmations

A close-up of words Description automatically generated Unveiling the Science Behind Positive Self-Talk With the current emphasis on self-improvement and personal development, affirmations have emerged as a popular and widely practised tool. These short, positive statements are often touted as a means to reshape one's mindset, boost self-esteem, and manifest desired outcomes. While some embrace affirmations with unwavering belief, others remain sceptical, […]

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The Consciousness and Subconscious Mind

Consciousness Mind By David Ellis What is the Subconscious Mind? The human mind is a vast, intricate landscape comprising conscious and subconscious realms. Our conscious mind is the censor of the subconscious mind and is responsible for our immediate awareness and rational, logical thinking. Also, the home of the ego, the subconscious mind, is the mastermind, the […]

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The Armchair Warrior

Armchair Warrior We hear the term Armchair Warrior quite a lot in recent times, but what is an Armchair Warrior? The Armchair Warrior is a curious persona that has become increasingly prevalent in the digital age. This concept refers to individuals who, while possessing ample time to voice their grievances and bitterness towards society, contribute little to […]

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2023 Forcast by Hans Decoz

Global 2023 Forecast by Hans Decoz © Hans Decoz - 2023. All rights reserved. Numerology Forecast of 2023 by Hans Decoz - In my opinion, Hans Decoz in the best Numerologist on the Planet. The Slow Turn  The number 7 rules the coming year and it will be memorable. Not only does 2023 add to 7 (2+0+2+3), making it a 7 Universal Year, […]

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Sleeping and Dreaming

The Dreamer Our Sleeping and Dreaming time is precious. Did you ever wonder why we need sleep or what Dreams are about? Our physical bodies need to regenerate; we do this during sleep time. No matter our age, we need rest & regeneration because our cells, every cell, has memory & needs to heal from the environmental […]

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Broken Heart Syndrome

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy also known as broken heart syndrome. During this syndrome the heart changes shape due to emotional stress or loss of a loved one or grief. On the other hand, Oxytocin, or as it’s known, the love hormone, brings Happiness and Joy into our lives and corrects the shape of the Heart.  How intelligent […]

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How Does Bullying Develop?

How Does Bullying Develop? The question can also be How does being bullied develop? Let us be very clear, bullying does not just suddenly appear among children. But the same is also true for the victim of a bully. The problem with being the victim. This can go undetected, unnoticed in childhood, whereas the bully demonstrates […]

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Pink is not only for Girls

The colour Pink The colour Pink - Pink is a very interesting colour. It is not a solid colour from the traditional RYB colour system. Pink does not fit into the traditional colour wheel of combining any of the three RYB colours resulting in secondary colours, nor does it form by combining any secondary colours. It is unique. Pink […]

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Colour Personality Profiling ®(Atlantis Colour)

What the colour of your clothes say about you A Conversation – Eileen McCabe and David Ellis on Colour Personality Profiling ®(Atlantis Colour) Colour Personality Profiling. A recent conversation with David Ellis about Colour Healing and Chromotherapy expanded into an in-depth discussion about colour personality profiling. Revealing your truth from within. We are once more in the opulent setting of the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny. […]

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Effects of Light on Humans by Joseph Brennan of Dublin Institute of Technology

Effects of Light on Humans Effects of Light on Humans - This survey of the complex effects of light on human biology and physiology, by Joseph Brennan of Dublin Institute of Technology, won the ILE’s ‘Best Written Paper’ award in the Society of Light & Lighting Young Lighters of the Year 2007. This is an abridged version of the original […]

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The Black Dress

The Black Dress Image by Liliia Beda The Black Dress. What do we conjure up in our minds when we think about a lady in a Black Dress? The answers are interesting and varying. These range from sensual to grieving, dominance to vulnerable, powerful to aloofness. When we dress in the morning for work, or in the evening for dinner or attending […]

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The Effects of Colour on the Human Body

Effects of Colour on the Human Body The effects of Colour on the Human Body. Just as we need to eat a balanced diet if we are to be healthy. So too do we need a balance of the energy from the seven spectrum colours. These colour vibrations nourish not only the physical cells and organs. But have a powerful influence on […]

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Unloved Food in Amethyst Bowls

Oval Amethyst Bowl Unloved Food in Amethyst Bowls by Atlantis Institute - Advice is abundant when it comes to What we eat is What we are. However, I have not come across any advice on the energy behind our food, its preparation and its presentation. Not to mention the Gratitude that we should exude when we are in […]

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Crystals Can Help with Addiction

addiction Crystals Can Help with Addiction - we hear the word addiction, we conjure up in our minds an image of a drug addict we saw on the street corner or a drunk we saw sleeping rough. We associate the word “addict” with a person of lesser value to us, someone flawed or selfish to be that […]

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Crystal Growth – The Three Building Blocks of Formation

The Formation of Igneous Rocks and Minerals Crystal Growth - The formation of crystals has as much importance to the healing properties as does the colour, system and shape. Minerals merge in Intense Heat, and crystalization occurs in the Cooling Process. All Matter remains in Liquid State. As it cools, it cannot retain all the different […]

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The Crystal Grid

Grid of Protection & Healing The Crystal Grid Here is something to consider. What is the amount of negative energy or emotional baggage that comes through the front door of your home or office? We all carry baggage, and we all carry negative or dark energy. Some carry more than others. Some are fully aware of their energy, whilst others […]

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Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday

Mother and Baby Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday. My first client as a Counsellor taught me something I never understood, and that was. Not every child loved or even liked their Mother and not every Mother loved or liked their child. That said, EVERY Mother is special. Mothers play two roles in life. Both are not necessarily interspliced […]

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Positive Thinking is a Lie – But Positive Feelings Change Everything.

Does Positive thinking really work? Gregg Braden summarises this well in one of his books, where he tells the story of the man with whom he carpools. One day Gregg went to the manas house to collect him, he was invited inside, and there he noticed post-it stickers everywhere, presses, kettle, doors, windows, with the […]

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COVID19 – A Numerology Reading of the Name!

COVID19 COVID19 - A Numerology Reading of the Name!. am a big fan and believer in Numerology. I use it daily for myself and my clients. Today, April 3rd 2020, I thought I would check the meaning of the name COVID19 from a Numerology perspective and was overwhelmed to find the following: COVID19 - Dominant Impression.  […]

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Christmas is a lonely time for many people.

Lonely Christmas is a lonely time for many people. In 2018 I was driving home when I experienced some traffic delays on the M11; this resulted in a four-hour delay to get home as I sat in my car, like everyone else, as my mind began to drift into my past.  I began to think about […]

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The Learning Journey of Baby in and from the womb.

The Learning Journey I had just completed my research on babies learning development within the womb when we had a family gathering with my three sisters, who combined have had seven children and ten grandchildren. I asked the question! At what stage do Babies begin to learn? My sisters would have had more experience with babies and […]

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The difference between meditation and hypnosis.

Hypnosis The Difference between Meditation and Hypnosis There is a lot of confusion around the difference between Meditation and Hypnosis as they are similar, and both work with the subconscious mind. However, in the pure essence of both modalities, both bring us into a subconscious heightened awareness. Both bring us into a conscious, relaxed state. It […]

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Today’s dark side of Halloween. 

The Dark Side of Halloween In the time of Halloween, we hear and talk about monsters, ghosts, vampires and witches. It's a fun time for kids as they go about trick or treating, they don't see the relevance of the celebration. Or the energy associated with the time.  The dark side of Halloween.  Childhood Memories […]

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Confusion about sexual orientation for young people. 

At adolescence, which can occur from 10 to 14, and there are no ages set in stone, young people begin to become sexual and sexually attracted to others. These changes occur due to hormonal changes in mind and body so just thinking about someone that you might find attractive can cause physical arousal. That attraction […]

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Meditation and the Subconscious Mind

In my earlier days as a busy businessman,  I was incredibly stressed, it was suggested to me to attend a meditation group, so  I went to the meditation class and sat through the process, before I realised, this was not for me. The teacher wanted the group to simply follow our breath and allow our mind […]

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How to Persevere When You Feel Like Quitting

How can you continue with a project when you really, really, REALLY don’t want to? If you have been disillusioned with work for a while, you may lose interest or motivation to keep going. We begin our projects with the best intentions and then sometimes our project comes to a halt. When we notice that […]

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Do Not Compare Yourself to anyone else

When we see someone do exceptionally well in life, do we think, “I could never do that!” or “I want to do that too!”? In life, there will always be someone faster, stronger or more talented than us. Therefore, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Here is some of my advice on how […]

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Reasons Meditation Makes Us Healthy

The Reasons Meditation Makes Us Healthy Meditation lets us savour the present moment.Lets take a look at the reasons meditation makes us healthy. It brings in attention to life as it is, here and now. With meditation we can begin to declutter our mind. There are many portals to meditation, e.g. breathing, awareness of the […]

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Start a Meditation Practice

Meditation Practice Meditation is easy to bring into our daily routine. Once we begin a meditation practice, we will feel the many benefits it can bring. If you are completely new to the idea of meditating, I have some advice to show you how this practice can work wonders for you and really change your life for […]

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The Science of Smiling

We have all heard the phrase: “It only takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown”, but how can we use the science of smiling to feel better? Smiling and the resulting happiness cost very little energy for our bodies to produce. We also get the added reward of feeling better when we […]

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The Damage of Resentment and Learning to Let Go

Sometimes as we journey life, things happen, life happens and we carry burdens that are unshared, then we end up being left to carry more and more. Sometimes as we reflect on those aspects of our lives, we see that there were people in our lives that should have been there for us, that should […]

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Basic Tips to Help Reduce Stress at Work

Help Reduce Stress at Work Sometimes we stress at work when things do not go as planned. Sometimes deadlines are not met, sometimes a task becomes more complicated than we imagined and sometimes we even have personal difficulties with co-workers or management. All of these things can leave us feeling stressed. In our working lives, […]

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Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the workplace can lead to high levels of mental stress, ill health and injury as indicated in a report released last year by The Economic and Social Research Institute. This is not a recent revelation as severe and continuous bullying in the workplace has been debilitating people at work long before studies on […]

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Regression Hypnosis: A Conversation with David Ellis

We recently posted an in-depth conversation with David Ellis on the interesting subject of using hypnotherapy and the process involved. The conversation touched on the subject of using hypnotherapy for regression into past lives. Here are some of David’s insights on regression hypnosis. Why Regression Hypnosis? “Some people come to hypnosis as they want to know […]

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Hypnotherapy: A Conversation with David Ellis

addiction   Meeting with David this week, I have one topic in mind that I am wholly curious about; hypnotherapy. For those who have not been subject to this practice, the process is an unknown quantity. Which leaves everything to the imagination! David disassembles this unknown and explains the process and benefits of this powerful mind […]

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Connection to Source: A Conversation with David Ellis

    In a beautifully sun lit, golden morning room in the opulent setting of the Lyrath Hotel in Kilkenny I am I the midst of a really interesting conversation with David Ellis. We are discussing the core of true being which is referred to as connection to source. What is Connection to Source? So, […]

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Being Who You Truly Are

I'm sitting drinking tea in the stately surroundings of the Lyrath Hotel in Kilkenny with David Ellis. Having discussed stress techniques and meditation, we turn the talk for a moment to the importance of being who you truly are. Here are David's thoughts ... Be Truly Who You Are Be truly who you are and live […]

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Stress Management Techniques – A Conversation with David Ellis

Stress  Management Techniques Eileen McCabe has a  free-flowing conversation with David Ellis based on the subject of stress and simple Stress  Management Techniques that can be employed to alleviate the impact of stress. These are David's thoughts ....   Stress Is It Good Or Bad Firstly stress is both a good thing and bad. Our […]

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7 Things You Could Do Every Day to Feel Better

Who doesn't want to feel better? It's something that everyone strives for, even if they may not consciously think about it on a daily basis. If you feel better within you will radiate this out and that radiation will spread to others. It's a win | win situation so make an effort to take care […]

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Drugs and the Underworld.

This is an insight into my work with addiction related to drugs and the connections this has with the underworld. While meditating on an issue a while back, I was faced with an unusual paradigm. I was in a meditative state and fully connected and waiting for my solution. When a energy I had not […]

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Human beings are Hard Wired to Touch each other.

Human beings are hard wired to touch each other. To hold, hug, embrace, kiss. No matter age gender culture or race. People communicate by gesture and touch all the time.  And yet we create rules to ensure we avoid connection by touch. Some men are so afraid to touch another man or embrace another man […]

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Our Perception of Self

Perception Of Self Everyone has a way they want to be perceived by others. Some of us want to be known, in this perception, for our hardness, some of us want to be known for our honour, whilst others wish to be known for their great big hearts. These may be projections of the Ego. […]

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Things You Can Do To Help Lift Depression

Depression can be crippling to the sufferer, often times they have no idea why they are depressed. Others looking on who have never experienced depression, have no understanding of how we feel. But depression can and will suppress the joy to be found in daily life. Unfortunately, depression will not heal itself. by itself, it […]

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Time slips by so fast. Minutes turn into hours, hours into days, days into weeks and weeks into years and all that time we are getting older. There is no rest for time, no break and it never stops and as a result we too grow old without the facility of a pause button. We […]

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Miracle of Humanness.

No one can explain how it happened. Whether by divine creation or cosmic accident we are here, we exist and it's a true miracle and a gift that is rare and beautiful. The Miracle of Humanness. This gift, this miracle of life has been revealed to me throughout time and space over and over again. As […]

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The circle of Life.

Most human beings have still not figured out the Circle of Life. We take, rape and plunder our Great Planet for our own greed and insatiatable need for more. We take way beyond our quota never giving back. We show no respect for the Circle of Life or its creation. The more we have the […]

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Our body feels pain to warn us of danger. The brain registers something is wrong and signals the pain receptors to activate for us to pay attention. But we also feel pain to remind us that we are alive. That pain can by emotional or physical. Some of us actively seek out pain whether it […]

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As we grow older – We become wise

As we grow older, we are reminded each day as we look and observe the pure beauty of life, the beauty of living, but we also realise that we can only see the beauty, and feel the beauty if we pay attention. As we travel through the time of our life, we see and feel […]

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Why does God allow evil and bad people do bad things in the world?

Cellular Memory Well God has nothing to do with it! Man has everything to do with it! When we arrive on the planet. We push from our Mothers womb all new, untarnished, pure and innocent. Or do we? Dr Bruce Lipton has proven the science of the cellular memory. We are not the construct of our genes. […]

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Is Emotional pain real?

For all of us out there that have experienced hurt through loss of a loved one, relationship breakup, betrayal, lies, deceit, and a host of other human behaviours that cause hurt to our hearts. We feel pain. Is that pain real? It feels real! The crushing, unexplainable pain that we feel in our hearts is […]

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Life is a Miracle.

The Miracle of Life is all around us. We breath what we cannot see and yet trust that whatever it is that we cannot see will be there for us to breath and so we stay alive. We feel a strange but awesome feeling in our heart, in our body when we think about or […]

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Be Positive – No Matter What!

Be positive - No matter what! As we transverse our lives in the art of living, we make mistakes; some small and some too large to comprehend. In fact sometimes they are so huge we want to forget. There is a price to be paid for each and every mistake we make. Sometimes it's our […]

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The Truth about Lies and how to SPOT them

It's amazing how people tell lies even when they don't have to. It's almost instinct. But it is instinct! Because we have been trained to lie all our lives, especially in our formative years where we have observed adults telling lies all the time. These lies may have been small "white lies" but, never the […]

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The Memory of our Cells

The cellular membrane of the human cell has now been identified as the brain of the cell. The delicate egg like structure is where the memory of each cell is held. The cells see hear feel and sense everything. They remember everything including our past. I am not only referring to our past experience but […]

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Heart Space Vulnerability in Business

Sometimes it can be very difficult, as an employer, to fully operate a business from the Heart Space. Why? Boundaries may often become blurred between the employer and employee. This can stir feelings of vulnerability and betrayal as staff may push way beyond their boundary and so trample into your own space which can leave […]

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Light and Dark of All

As a child I was afraid of the Dark. Ghosts hid in the darkness in my room. They came to me at night and terrified me. It was not their intention to frighten me, but as a child I was always frightened. When they would come I would run into my Dad. He would pull […]

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The Learning Journey

Today as I gaze out my window I see it is first flight for the Swallows. We have about ten nests around the house. They come back every year which I think is awesome. As I watch them fly, bump into the windows, fall and fly again. I am reminded of my own journey in […]

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Connections from our past through our Cells

Sometimes people come into our lives, we make instant connections with them. But against all odds spanning across age, social position, gender, colour and creed, both people feel this irresistible draw to each other. It is like a bond of trust, knowing, loving, caring that surpasses all of our societal values and programming. It is […]

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Our Two Hearts

Our Two Hearts As we open and learn and operate from our Heart Space more and more. We begin to realise there are two aspects to our Heart Energy which we had not considered before: The Human Emotional Heart The Spiritual Heart   Both are within and both have their own functionality within our being. […]

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Power of Positive Thinking and Manifestation

Today we are going to talk about the power of positive thinking and the power of intention. I am sure that many of you are familiar with the secret and the work that has been done around the secret has been of incredible benefit to us all. When we realise that we can actually create […]

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How to manage CyberBullying

Cyberbullying. We live in a time where we spend lots of our time online. Where Cyberbullying lurks in every corner. Whether it's for pleasure, study or business. Younger people spend even more time online as it has become the new way of living. This lifestyle and activity has created an anonymous space where bullies can flourish. They […]

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Operating a Business Environment from our Heart Space.

As an employer I employ and engage with staff all the time. As a business consultant I engage with client staff. So I understand only too well the challenge in the business world to stay in one’s Heart Space without being dropped on one’s head. When an employer engages with his staff whilst operating from […]

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Our True Essence

Our inner expressions are uniquely felt through us. These are the life impulses of creativity that we feel from within. When we channel this creative feeling, impulsively through actions, emotion and words, then we are releasing our true essence.   This essence is at the core of our being, often wrapped by many layers of […]

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Six Ways to Challenge Self-Doubt

Self-Doubt can cripple you. Yes I mean CRIPPLE you as there are no boundaries sometimes as to what the self-doubt is based on. So when we begin to doubt ourselves in, say a work situation, we suddenly find ourselves questioning our whole being in other areas of our daily life. We could have a conversation […]

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Simple Ways to Manifest Your Life Goals and Dreams

No matter what the time of year we think about our life goals and dreams. Yes, we THINK about them. Thinking about them and taking the steps to achieve them are vastly different things and it is surprising the amount of people who dream big, yet either do not believe enough in the dream to […]

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Pay Attention to the Signs of Depression

We need to pay more attention to the people in our lives who may suffer from depression. We may not even know they are prone to depression but just keeping an eye out for subtle changes from a person’s normal demeanour may have the potential to drastically help alter someone’s life in a positive way. […]

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Emotional Energy

Emotional Energy When we think of personal energy we, in the main, relate to it in a physical sense. our emotional energy. Do we have the drive and power to push through the physical activities of the day or are we limited. limited due to our body form, in what we can achieve? Emotional energy […]

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Forgiveness: Our Path to Enlightenment

Forgiveness and Acceptance Forgiveness is the key to life and the path to awakening. Forgiveness is the key to life and the path to awakening and while there are many facets to forgiveness, the main points are the ability to forgive both ourselves and others. This can be difficult as society has, in the main, […]

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Five Simple Ways to Manage Professional Stress

Professional Stress Everyone has experienced professional stress in some form throughout life. Yet the term is such a varied one that it can be difficult to define based on the unique individual experience. Therefore stress sources that affect people throughout every minute of every day. However you define stress, when pertaining to you as an […]

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Sowing the Seeds for Universal Consciousness

We sow seeds of thought as we journey through life. Some we will see bloom, others we will never know about. But all have a ripple affect in our Universal consciousness. In turn we are the recipients of the seeded thoughts of others. Some affect our lives immeasurably, others we are unaware of their power […]

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Our Choices

Our Choices Why do we settle for less when we always have a choice? Why then do we complain about the choices we have made but manage to blame others? An great example of this is when we enter a restaurant, we read the menu but are not fully happy and yet we stay, eat, […]

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Everyone has dark history from their past. We have all done things that were wrong or shameful, things we are not proud of and I mean everyone. But the past is behind us. The present is now and a time for us to reflect and forgive ourselves and to send healing to those who we […]

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Meditation: An Introduction

Meditation and The Subconscious Mind When I was a non-meditator I was always secretly jealous of the people who were in the mediation ‘gang’. I wondered what it would be like to relax fully into a different, deep state of mind. But did not think I was able or spiritual enough. I did not fully […]

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Holistic Healing