
Amazonite - Atlantis Institute Crystals Encyclopedia


A subdivision of Feldspar is Alkali Feldspar which is typically rich in potassium, and from this evolves the Microcline type, which is mainly white or pale yellow. In rare cases, the Microcline may appear a blue | or green colour, which is then termed the semi-precious stone, Amazonite. Amazonite is created in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks when potassium-rich hot silica acid cha


Peridot (olivine)

Peridot - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thin


  Origin Jade or Nephrite derives its name from the Greek word “nephro


Larimar - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thin


  Origin Chrysolite means “gold stone”. It is mentioned in the bible in the list of gemstones set in the breastplate of Aaron (Book of Exodus) and in the list of foundation stones for the New Jerusa