About the Course Author
The Atlantis Institute was founded by Holistic Therapist, Author, and Teacher David Ellis in 2008. The name Atlantis was inspired by the lost continent of Atlantis, where the way of life was harmonious and Crystalline technology.
David spent over 30 years as a business entrepreneur, but in 1995, he realised his life was incomplete and wanted to do something more meaningful with it. This realization occurred after his father's death. He became drawn to understanding Life and Spirituality and the energy that connects everything. He embarked on a holistic training journey, qualifying as a Colour Therapist in 1996. His studies also included Crystal Therapy, and he became a certified therapist in 1998.
As David worked with clients daily, he needed to understand the connection between Spiritual Well-Being and Personal Development and how both could work together to become truly holistic. He also realised that to understand the client's healing needs truly, he needed a deeper understanding of the human mind. He began a learning journey into the interplay between the conscious and subconscious mind. He also began to study Heart - Mind Connection as he realised that the mind was the home of the ego and the Heart was the home of Love and Truth.
Over the next 15 years, he studied various therapeutic modalities, including Hypnotherapy, Stress Management, Counselling, Addiction Counselling, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Reading Body Language, and past-Life Regression.
David qualified in all of the above, fully immersed in the wisdom of all he learned. He was grateful for the knowledge and the opportunity to learn and felt there was no need to display his certificates on his wall.
During that time, as he worked with clients each day, he became aware that the initial courses in which he started his career did not fully embrace the totality of the modality. There was so much more he could have learned at the beginning. The courses he studied only skimmed the surface of the totality of Spiritual and Physical Well-Being.
With his experience working with clients and his Heartfelt desire to help others, he began to write his own courses. He wrote comprehensive courses, embracing the Spiritual connection with the healing experience. He based his courses on the Heart and the connection the Heart has with the Subconscious, which is the gateway to Source.
He facilitated workshops and courses in Crystal Therapy, Colour Therapy, Stress Management, and Aura and Chakra Anatomy and found it so interesting that at the end of every course, he had to change the course material because the students brought some new learning to the course. Therefore, the courses are never static; they change and grow as we do in our pursuit of Awakening and Personal Development.
David has written many articles to help others. He has authored several books, including "Mind—Heart Connection," A Course in Colour Therapy," "An Introduction to the Aura and Chakra Anatomy System," "Healing the Aura and Chakras," "A Course in Crystal Therapy," "Colour Personality Archetypes," and "A Directory of 101 Healing Crystals."
David's motto is simple yet profound: "If I have no honour or integrity – then I have nothing."